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- Rudra Suktam from Rg Veda: A Vaishnavite commentary
- Manyu Suktam -- A Sri Vaishnava commentary
- Sankarshana-Narasimha Worshipped by Parvati Pati
- Skambha Sukta -- A Sri Vaishnava Commentary (Part 1)
- Skambha Sukta -- A Sri Vaishnava Commentary (Part 2)
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- Narayana Suktam -- A Srivaishnava commentary
- The "Harim Harantam" Shruti -- An analysis
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- Tamasatva of certain Puranas: Texts with little Vedantic authority
- Sankarshana-Narasimha Worshipped by Parvati Pati
- Garuda Purana: Shiva's prayers to Narasimha
- Explanation: Shiva Stuti in Srimad Bhagavatam does not compromise Lord Vishnu's supremacy
- Varaha Purana: Sri Rudra Gita and the nature of the Pashupata mata
- Refutation of Shaiva/Shakta Interpretations
- Shaiva Interpretations
- Tripura Samhara as per Harivamsa Parva
- Prayers of Sri Krishna to Shiva
- Interpretation of Satapatha and Kaushitaki regarding the birth of Rudra
- Explanation: Shiva Stuti in Srimad Bhagavatam does not compromise Lord Vishnu's supremacy
- Bhagavad Gita: Shiva in the Vibhuti Yoga and Vishvarupa Chapters
- Keshi Suktam and the Sharabha/Narasimha episode
- Defense of Vaishnava symbols and rituals: Urdhvapundra and other topics
- Appayya Dikshita’s Motives
- Shakta Interpretations
- Advaita and Vaishnavism
- Shankara was Vaishnava
- A few quotes from the Prasthanatrayi Bhashyas
- Saguna Brahman and Krama Mukti in Shankara’s Advaita Vedanta:
- (Part I): Prashnopanishad Bhashya and kAryAdhikaraNa section
- (Part II): Vishnu's eternal Abode in jagadvyApAra adhikaraNa, Chandogya Upanishad, and Bhagavad Gita Bhashya
- (Part III): Acceptance of Vaikuntha as an Eternal Abode by other Advaitins
- (Part IV): Some additional information (Addenda)
- Shankara’s rejection of Shaiva interpretations of Shruti/Smriti
- Testimony by Narayana Bhatta’s Narayaneeyam
- Sarvajnatman’s Sankshepa Sariraka
- Other early advaitins (Suresvara, etc.)
- Krsna Misra’s Prabodha Chandrodaya
- Vidwan Tiruvisanallur Ramasubba Shastri’s works
- Appayya Dikshita’s Motives
- Refutation of Hari-Hara abheda vAda
- Introduction
- Refutation of Bodhendra Saraswati’s “Hariharadvaita Bhushana”
- Clarification of Appayya Dikshita’s Motives
- Vidwan Tiruvisanallur Ramasubba Shastri’s works
- Explanation: Shiva Stuti in Srimad Bhagavatam does not compromise Lord Vishnu's supremacy
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- Shiva Stuti in Srimad Bhagavatam
- Vibhuti Yoga and Vishvarupa Adhyaya in Bhagavad Gita
- Keshi Suktam and Sharabha/Narasimha episode
- Defense of Vaishnava rituals
- Appayya Dikshita’s Motives
- Refuting Shakta claims
Refuting Shaiva claims
Advaita and Vaishnavism
Shankara was Vaishnava/favoured Vaishnavism
- A few Quotes from Bhashyas
- Shankara’s rejection of Shaiva interpretations of Shruti/Smriti
- Testimony by Narayana Bhatta’s Narayaneeyam
- Saguna Brahman, Krama Mukti, and Vaikuntha (Part I)
- Saguna Brahman, Krama Mukti, and Vaikuntha (Part II)
- Saguna Brahman, Krama Mukti, and Vaikuntha (Part III)
- Saguna Brahman, Krama Mukti, and Vaikuntha (Part IV)
- Sarvajnatman’s Sankshepa Sariraka
- Other early advaitins (Suresvara, etc.)
- Krsna Misra’s Prabodha Chandrodaya
- Vidwan Tiruvisanallur Ramasubba Shastri’s works
- Appayya Dikshita’s Motives
Shankara was Vaishnava/favoured Vaishnavism
- Refuting Hari-Hara abheda vAda
- Sitemap
BLOG STATUS: Suspended indefinitely starting 18 Jan 2020. See journal page for details.
Last new article published: 18 Jan 2020, "Ishvara Gita: Chapters 1-11": Read here
Last new article published: 18 Jan 2020, "Ishvara Gita: Chapters 1-11": Read here
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Dear Swamy,
ReplyDeleteSrimathe ramanujaya Namah,
As per the entries given in the blog -> "This is because of the rule "pUrvapadAt saJjyAyAM agaH" (8.4.3) identified by Panini in his Ashtadhyayi." adiyen has also learnt about this 2-3 kalakshepams of Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy as well.
Is this particular rule in deciding and establishing nArAyaNa as a proper noun and can refer to "Shankha Chakra Dhari Vishnu" also accepted to and interpreted in same way by acharyas in different sampradayas as well? Apart from the upanisads, is nArAyaNa naMam also appears in different veda- bhagams as well or is VIshnu namam most prominent in other portions of Vedam? Adiyen wanted to ask why such an extremely important namam nArAyaNa for establishing the para-Devatai being dependent on grammatical rules of sanskrit? Just wanted to clarify, as adiyen is absolutely a lay-person full of ignorance.
In the vedam and Vedantam, is Vishnu/Narayana/Vasudeva being described as "Shankha Chakra Dhari Vishnu"? Since the ithihasas and puranams described Vishnu completely in this way, adiyen just wishing to clarify and get more explanations.
Thanking you,
adiyen ramanuja dasan,
The explanation of the "nAkAram" will come up in a later article. Briefly, let me explain that the nAkAram does not prove the supreme being is vishNu, but rather that the name "nArAyaNa" with all its meanings (he who inheres in the waters, he who is the refuge of the naras, etc) only denotes the supreme brahman. This is unlike names such as rudra, vishNu, indra, etc which have been used by the veda at various places to denote entities other than Brahman as well (such as devatas, achit, etc).
DeleteHowever, who is this nArAyaNa? The vishNu gAyatri identifies nArAyaNa with vAsudEva and vishNu. It is this gAyatri that equates vishNu with nArAyaNa as opposed to devas like rudra, indra, etc who are stated as different from nArAyaNa and relegated to the status of vibhUtIs/jivAs.
And yes, the Brahman of the Veda is none other than sriman nArAyaNa. If you want to know where the veda describes his form, beauty, weapons, etc please refer the Rudra Sukta, Nilarudra Sukta, ShatarudrIyam and Manyu Suktam articles on this blog.
More in the upcoming article. It addresses other issues, but this will also be there.
Why blog is not opening directly? Everytime it has to be open via Google. I wanna know if there is any problem to your site or in my browser.....
ReplyDeleteWe will look into it and take action to rectify any issues. Generally, we are not concerned unless it affects more than one or two users.
DeleteThanks. But the issue is solved now.
ReplyDeleteI was searching for the book entitled ' Mahapurusha nirnayam' written by yamunacharya. Can you help me find the same, preferably in sanskrit/english.
Vaishnava dasa
Believe the work is lost bar fragments quoted by shrI vedAnta desikan and by Alavandar himself in his other work "Agamapramanya". If we actually had it ourselves, it would have been one of the first works translated on this blog.
DeleteAdditionally, for your interest, Alavandar quotes certain statements from the shAstra in his work "Agamapramanya" and says that he has explained these very statements in the "mahApuruSha nirnayaM" as well. Following are the quotations (note: those shlokas without verse numbers do not exist in the current recensions):
Deleteparamātmā ca sarveṣām ādhāraḥ parameśvaraḥ /
viṣṇur nāmnā sa vedeṣu vedānteṣu ca gīyate // (~Vishnu Purana 6.4.40)
Meaning: The Supreme Self, the support of all beings, the Supreme Ruler, is called by the name of Vishnu in the Vedas and Upanishads.
viṣnureva param brahma tribhedamiha paṭhyate
vedasiddhānthamargeṣu tatra jānanti mohitā:
nārāyaṇāt paro devo na bhūto na bhaviṣyati
etad rahasyaṃ vedānām purāṇānām (?) sattama: (~Varaha Purana)
Meaning: “The Supreme Brahman is Vishnu; the threefold division of the paths in the Vedic doctrine (for people with different inclinations of sattva, rajas, tamas) is here set forth (in the form of attainment of different puruShArthAs, glorification of other gods, etc). The ignorant do not know this. There has been no god greater than Narayana, nor will ever be (and hence, nor is). This is the secret doctrine of the Vedas and Puranas, Excellent Ones!”
sāttvikeṣu purāṇeṣu māhātmyamadhikaṃ hareḥ /…..tadvadagneśca māhātmyaṃ tāmaseṣu śivasya ca /….MatsP_53.68-69 //
Meaning: In those kalpas when sattva prevails, the greatness of Vishnu is declared. In the kalpas when Tamas prevails, the greatness of Agni and Siva is expounded.
na hi viśṇuṃrte kācid gatiranyā vidhīyate
ityaivaṃ satataṃ vedā gāyante nātra samśaya: (~Linga Purana)
Meaning: For there is no other recourse ordained but Vishnu. This the Vedas constantly declare, there is no doubt about it.
sahasrabāhu: para: prajāpatiḥ trayīpathe yaḥ puruṣo nirucyate (~ Vayu Purana)
Meaning: The Self that belongs to the path of the three Vedas is explained to be the thousand-armed Lord of all Beings (Narayana, known as Prajapati).
vedasiddhānthamārgeṣu viṣṇoreva para: smrutaḥ
viṣṇureva naraśreśto mahiṣa: puruṣottama: (~Bhavishya Purana)
Meaning: Vishnu is known to be the Supreme in the paths that are in accordance to the Vedic doctrine. Vishnu is the most celebrated of all beings, the most exalted Purushottama.
For sure, it is a great work. Shame that it is lost.
ADD: The Varaha Purana quote does exist in the present version of the Rudra Gita, in a slightly modified form. It is spoken by Shiva.
ReplyDeleteOm Namo Nārāyana, Gurudev, I'm in delimma, please clarify me thoughts.
ReplyDeleteĀryasamāj doesn't believe that God incarnates & they say that God can do everything by His own thus need not to incarnate & take somebody else's help to do something. Please answer to this, I'm being deviated from Bhakti to Lord.
Aryasamaj are a bunch of ignorant frauds and their opinions need not be taken seriously.